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Poems and Writings
averi delight mitchell June 25, 2009

                                                              Ithank him for all the memories we had,

                                                              Most none of them bad.

                                                              They say I have to say goodbye

                                                              I guess I have to try

                                                              I will live my life to the fullest ,

                                                              Before I say hello agian

Tobi Carr January 11, 2008










Remembering back through the years

Of when we were younger it brings me to tears

Memories are all I have left of you now

And a few shattered photos that show when and how

We laughed and loved, we shared our lives

We were so young and thought we’d never die.

You were the one, who made me smile

You could make me laugh, when it’d been a while

There was nothing that you couldn’t do

And I always knew that I could count on you

I felt so safe when you were near

I knew with you close I had nothing to fear

You took care of your friends when they needed you most

I even felt close to you when I was out on the coast.

We lost touch and our lives moved on

But our friendship remained, it was never gone

I will always hope and pray you knew

How much I loved and cared for you.

You’ve been taken away and now you’re gone

And I keep hearing that I have to move on

I don’t know how to say good-bye,

With so much regret and sorrow inside

If I could go back and see you again

I’d want to just sit and talk to my friend

Tell you about me and to hear about you

There are so many things that we never knew

Like my time on the ship or your facial hair

Your getting engage, I wasn’t aware

I have lots of stories that I’d like to tell

And hear some yours that you have as well

I know I will not get to look in your eyes

Until it’s my turn to say good-bye

And when that days comes and I leave this place

I will once again see that handsome face

You’ll welcome me home as you smile at me

And those beautiful eyes I’ll get to see

We’ll laugh and talk about the past

Friends again, together at last

But until then you’ll be in my heart

Always together, never apart

I miss you Grady, I always will

And though you’re gone I love you still



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